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    by Scott Vehstedt8

  • p站免费加速器2021

    by 永久免费登p站的加速器16

  • Murderous Children: Jasmine Richardson (12) & Her Boyfriend Murdered Her Family

    by 手机p站梯子192

  • How to Use Your EDD Debit Card to Piss Off Bank of America

    by Jenifer L58

  • The Big Lie: Republicans and Democrats Switched Sides on Race

    by Linda Sue Grimes2

  • Genealogy is a new way to solve some criminal cases, particularly cold cases. DNA research is very common today as people often like to know where their ancestors came from, what wars they fought in, what type of work they did and they like to know about the health of their ancestors.

    Genealogy Research Solving Crimes


    by Pamela Oglesby45


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    21 Truths That Prove Republicans Have Been Wrong About Everything

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  • The Tate-LaBianca murders shocked the nation. Fifty years later, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca are the forgotten victims of the Manson Family.


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    by CJ Kelly4

  • We all have a lot of microplastic in our bodies and it’s impossible to avoid ingesting more.

    The Plastic in Our Bodies

    The Plastic in Our Bodies

    by Rupert Taylor4

  • Coronavirus has been dominating the headlines, and with it has come a landslide of conspiracy theories on the origins and purpose of the virus. Curious about the conspiracy theories that exist and what counterarguments there are? Enjoy this list of 5 COVID-19 conspiracy theories!

    5 COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories (and Why You Probably Shouldn't Believe Them)


    by pixiv手机加速器0


  • Presidents of the Philippines: Their Achievements and Contributions

    by twentyfive143

  • What Are the Causes of and Solutions for Terrorism?

    by Shil197868

  • Possible Solutions to Challenges in Nigeria Today

    by Okwuagbala Uzochukwu Mike P106


  • The Economic Miracle of President Trump

    by James A Watkins72

  • Why Capitalism Works and Socialism Doesn't

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    by Paul Goodman93

  • This is an exploration of the many reasons why people choose not to have children.

    Why Do People Choose to Not Have Kids?

    Why Do People Choose to Not Have Kids?

    by Melissa Clason4

  • There is a lot of misinformation out there, especially when it comes to the United States government. Few truly understand the inner workings of the government, and yet we are voting despite our lack of knowledge. Limiting government leads to more individual rights. But where is it safe to limit?

    Why We Need a Limited Government

    Why We Need a Limited Government

    by Angela Michelle Schultz1



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  • 50 Reasons Why Donald Trump Could Be the Worst President in History

    by jeff61b82

  • 21 Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Was a Terrible President

    by 上p站的免费加速器482


  • The Tragic Friendship of Crystal Faye Todd and Ken Register

    by Kim Bryan16

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    by Antonia Monacelli192

  • How to Get Out of Jury Duty: 15 Excuses That Work

    by Kate Daily32

  • When a man’s quest for vengeance turned epic.


    The Killdozer: Marvin Heemeyer’s Homemade Vengeance Weapon

    by Mamerto Adan0


  • How to Use Your EDD Debit Card to Piss Off Bank of America

    by Jenifer L58

  • Why Don't Homeless People Just Get Jobs?

    by Kylyssa Shay164

  • Five Easy Steps to Avoid Homelessness

    by Kawika Chann36

  • Ari Nagel has conceived over 52 children through his free DIY sperm donations.


    Ari Nagel, the Super Sperm Donor

    by Anonymous Letterwriter0

  • This article suggests a list of the 16 most polluted rivers in the world. Included in the story are what countries are doing to cleanse these filthy waterways.

    What Are the 16 Most Polluted Rivers in the World?

    What Are the 16 Most Polluted Rivers in the World?

    by Kelley Marks79


  • Psychologist Michelle Theer, Her Internet Affair With John Diamond, and the Murder of Air Force Captain Marty Theer

    by Kim Bryan6

  • 10 Awful Things About the Army That Nobody Tells You

    by Cecil Kenmill90

  • 7 Awesome Things About the Army Your Recruiter Will Never Tell You

    by 手机p站梯子18

  • What are the new challenges in e-waste management after the COVID-19 Pandemic? Tell me what you think in the comments.

    E-Waste in the Post-COVID World

    E-Waste in the Post-COVID World

    by Marjorie Dumont0

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    52 Random Acts of Kindness for Helping Others Every Day

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    by Linda Crampton40

US Politics

US Politics
  • 2023 Election: How Will the "Keys to the White House" Turn?

    by Scott Vehstedt8

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    by Linda Sue Grimes2

  • 50 Reasons Why Donald Trump Could Be the Worst President in History

    by jeff61b82

  • Community service work and volunteering spread goodwill to those in need and benefits those who give, particularly those who feed the hungry. Volunteering is good for all involved.

    Community Service Benefits of Volunteer Work to Feed the Hungry

    Community Service Benefits of Volunteer Work to Feed the Hungry

    by Janis Leslie Evans20

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    Understanding Domestication: The Ethics of Wild Animals as Pets and in Zoos

    Understanding Domestication: The Ethics of Wild Animals as Pets and in Zoos

    by Melissa A Smith20


  • 53 Restaurant Fundraisers for Non-Profits

    by Tom Fattes104

  • Fundraising for Charity and Helping Others: Ideas for Schools

    by Linda Crampton27

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    by Greensleeves Hubs33

  • The new Nat Geo Wild program features an exotic pet vet in Deerfield Beach who regularly derides exotic pet owners while collecting checks from them. Florida exotic pet owners, find a new vet.

    Dr. K Should Not Disparage Exotic Animal Owners on National Television

    Dr. K Should Not Disparage Exotic Animal Owners on National Television

    by Melissa A Smith126

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    How Micro Loan Services Can Uplift Poor Communities

    by Sustainable Sue3


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